The Immeasurable Podcast
The Immeasurable is dedicated to exploring the essential questions of our existence; who we are and where we are going. The intent is to inspire listeners to question assumptions of the mind, offering opportunities to ask deep questions into common life themes that are superficially accepted. We take no ideological positions except to encourage the spirit of inquiry. We aim to provide an in-depth look at dialogue and exploration around Krishnamurti’s teachings. There will be interviews of people who have spent time with Krishnamurti, as well as explorations around the content of his teachings, our programs, and our annual conference. The Immeasurable is a project of the Krishnamurti Center in Ojai, CA. The KFA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
68 episodes
TEACHINGS: Are You Not Saying What the Buddha Said? | J. Krishnamurti with Buddhist Scholars | Discussion 1
The Immeasurable Podcast highlights the first part of a five-part series titled Can Humanity Change? This series was recorded in 1978 at Brockwood Park, where J. Krishnamurti spoke with Buddhist scholars. J. Krishnamurti ...
Season 3
Episode 48
EXPLORATION: War & Peace | Mark Habeeb
Welcome back to The Immeasurable Podcast. This episode comes from a talk titled “War and Peace” at the 2022 KFA May Gathering. Despite the persistent aspiration of every generation to achieve world peace and end war, violence, and terr...
Season 3
Episode 47
TEACHINGS: Can Human Problems Be Solved? | J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm | Part 15
The Immeasurable Podcast highlights a the last part of a fifteen-part series from Ojai recorded in 1980 where J. Krishnamurti spoke with David Bohm about the ending of time. You can visit Pine Cottage where this conversation took place...
Season 3
Episode 46
EXPLORATION: Pointers to the Quiet Mind, Part 2 | Stephen Smith, Jaap Sluitjer, Cory Fisher
You’re listening to The Immeasurable Podcast. This episode is part two of Stephen Smith's talk at the KFA’s 2020 Annual May Gathering. In this episode, Stephen is joined by Cory Fisher, the former Archives and Publishing Director of th...
Season 3
Episode 45
TEACHINGS: The Mind in the Universe | J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm | Part 14
The Immeasurable Podcast highlights a fifteen-part series from Ojai recorded in 1980 where J. Krishnamurti spoke with David Bohm about the ending of time. You can visit Pine Cottage where this conversation took place, and where Krishna...
Season 3
Episode 44
EXPLORATION: Pointers to the Quiet Mind | Stephen Smith
You’re listening to The Immeasurable Podcast. This episode is a talk by Stephen Smith at the KFA’s 2020 Annual May Gathering. In this episode, Stephen explores the quiet mind. Stephen takes us on a journey through the intricate layers ...
Season 3
Episode 43
TEACHINGS: The Ending of Psychological Knowledge | J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm | Part 13
The Immeasurable Podcast highlights a fifteen-part series from Ojai recorded in 1980 where J. Krishnamurti spoke with David Bohm about the ending of time. You can visit Pine Cottage where this conversation took place, and where Krishna...
Season 3
Episode 42
EXPLORATION: Exploring Education | Darcy Gray and Jaap Sluijter
You’re listening to The Immeasurable Podcast and this episode is an exploration on education between Darcy Gray and Jaap Sluijter. Darcy Gray's interest in Krishnamurti's teachings began in his early twenties, leading him to j...
Season 3
Episode 41
TEACHINGS: A Flame of Learning | J. Krishnamurti with Teachers | Part 2
Welcome to The Immeasurable Podcast. This episode comes from discussions Krishnamurti had with teachers at Brockwood Park School, recorded in 1976. These dialogues were turned into a book called A Flame of Learning. In the pre...
Season 3
Episode 40
EXPLORATION: Learning From Every Moment | Pooja Dubey & Leah Luong
You’re listening to The Immeasurable Podcast. Welcome to our new listeners and hello again to our returning subscribers. This is the second episode in which we explore education. In this episode, Leah Luong is joined by Pooja Dubey, wh...
Season 3
Episode 39
TEACHINGS: The Intelligence of Love | J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm | Part 12
The Immeasurable Podcast highlights a fifteen-part series from Ojai recorded in 1980 where J. Krishnamurti spoke with David Bohm about the ending of time. You can visit Pine Cottage where this conversation took place, and where Krishna...
Season 3
Episode 38
TEACHINGS: An Order Beyond All Human Order and Disorder | J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm | Part 11
The Immeasurable Podcast highlights a fifteen-part series from Ojai recorded in 1980 where J. Krishnamurti spoke with David Bohm about the ending of time. You can visit Pine Cottage where this conversation took place, and where Krishna...
Season 3
Episode 37
TEACHINGS: Cosmic Order | J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm | Part 10
The Immeasurable Podcast highlights a fifteen-part series from Ojai recorded in 1980 where J. Krishnamurti spoke with David Bohm about the ending of time. You can visit Pine Cottage where this conversation took place, and where Krishna...
Season 3
Episode 36
TEACHINGS: Senility and the Brain Cells | J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm | Part 9
The Immeasurable Podcast highlights a fifteen-part series from Ojai recorded in 1980 where J. Krishnamurti spoke with David Bohm about the ending of time. You can visit Pine Cottage where this conversation took place, and where Krishna...
TEACHINGS: Can Insight be Awakened in Another? | J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm | Part 8
The Immeasurable Podcast highlights a fifteen-part series from Ojai recorded in 1980 where J. Krishnamurti spoke with David Bohm about the ending of time. You can visit Pine Cottage where this conversation took place, and where Krishna...
Season 3
Episode 34
TEACHINGS: Death Has Very Little Meaning | J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm | Part 7
The Immeasurable Podcast highlights a fifteen-part series from Ojai recorded in 1980 where J. Krishnamurti spoke with David Bohm about the ending of time. You can visit Pine Cottage where this conversation took place, and where Krishna...
Season 2
Episode 33
TEACHINGS: Can Insight Bring About a Mutation of the Brain Cells? | J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm | Part 6
The Immeasurable Podcast highlights a fifteen-part series from Ojai recorded in 1980 where J. Krishnamurti spoke with David Bohm about the ending of time. You can visit Pine Cottage where this conversation took place, and where Krishna...
EXPLORATION: Facing a World in Crisis | David Skitt
Welcome back to The Immeasurable Podcast. This episode is a talk titled “Facing a World in Crisis,” given by David Skitt at the Annual May Gathering in 2008. In his talk, David reflects on Krishnamurti’s statement “You are the world” as he disc...
Season 2
Episode 31
TEACHINGS: A Flame of Learning | J. Krishnamurti with Teachers
Welcome back to The Immeasurable Podcast. This episode comes from discussions Krishnamurti had with teachers at Brockwood Park School, which he founded in England in 1969. These dialogues were turned into a book called
EXPLORATION: Exploring Education | Shailesh Shirali and Jaap Sluijter
Welcome back to The Immeasurable Podcast. This episode is an exploration on education between Shailesh Shirali and Jaap Sluijter. Dr. Shailesh Shirali has been with the Krishnamurti schools in India since the early 1980s. He is a trust...
Season 2
Episode 29
TEACHINGS: The Ground of Being and the Mind of Humanity | J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm | Part 5
The Immeasurable Podcast is highlighting a fifteen-part series from Ojai recorded in 1980 where J. Krishnamurti spoke with David Bohm about the ending of time. You can visit Pine Cottage where this conversation took place, and where Kr...
Season 2
Episode 28
TEACHINGS: Breaking the Pattern of Ego-centred Activity | J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm | Part 4
The Immeasurable Podcast is highlighting a fifteen-part series from Ojai recorded in 1980 where J. Krishnamurti spoke with David Bohm about the ending of time. You can visit Pine Cottage where this conversation took place, and where Kr...
Season 2
Episode 27
EXPLORATION: Beyond Violence | Leah Luong & Jackie McInley
Welcome to The Immeasurable Podcast. The following episode is an exploration with Leah Luong and Jackie McInley and was recorded in Ojai at Pine Cottage, Krishnamurti’s former residence. The episode is titled after the book
Season 2
Episode 26
TEACHINGS: Why Has Man Given Supreme Importance to Thought? | J. Krishnamurti & David Bohm | Part 3
The Immeasurable Podcast is highlighting a fifteen-part series from Ojai recorded in 1980 where J. Krishnamurti spoke with David Bohm about the ending of time. You can visit Pine Cottage where this conversation took place, and where Kr...
Season 2
Episode 25
EXPLORATION: Conflict in Relationship: Krishnamurti's View | David Moody
Welcome back to The Immeasurable Podcast. I’m Leah Luong and this episode is a talk given by David Edmund Moody during the 2018 Annual May Gathering. David was the first teacher hired when Krishnamurti founded the Oak Grove School in O...
Season 2
Episode 24