The Immeasurable Podcast
The Immeasurable Podcast
TEACHINGS: Are You Not Saying What the Buddha Said? | J. Krishnamurti with Buddhist Scholars | Discussion 1
The Immeasurable Podcast highlights the first part of a five-part series titled Can Humanity Change? This series was recorded in 1978 at Brockwood Park, where J. Krishnamurti spoke with Buddhist scholars.
J. Krishnamurti with Buddhist Scholars - Brockwood Park 1978 - Discussion 1: Are You Not Saying What the Buddha Said?
Series: Can Humanity Change?
Q: Does knowledge condition human beings?
Knowledge means accumulation of information, experience, facts, theories and principles, the past and the present. This bundle we call knowledge.
Can a mind that is burdened with knowledge see truth?
Will we get more knowledge by reading what the Buddha or Christ said? We are full of this accumulative instinct that we think will help us to jump into heaven.
Can I look at the fact without the word with all its intimations, content and tradition?
Can I look at something without the association of words and past remembrances? Then only I see the fact.
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© 1980 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust