The Immeasurable Podcast
The Immeasurable Podcast
TEACHINGS: A Flame of Learning | J. Krishnamurti with Teachers
Welcome back to The Immeasurable Podcast. This episode comes from discussions Krishnamurti had with teachers at Brockwood Park School, which he founded in England in 1969. These dialogues were turned into a book called A Flame of Learning and are also referenced by Jaap and Shailesh in the previous episode, Exploring Education. Krishnamurti explores a teacher’s relationship with both the school and with their colleagues and students.
In this episode, Krishnamurti questions the nature of freedom and authority, the root of fear and violence, and the possibility of awakening intelligence and sensitivity to order. The teachers and Krishnamurti also go into the nature of inquiry itself and the necessity for clarity, observation, and communication. He challenges educators to look at the need for radical psychological change and to consider the possibility of such changes in all human beings. Krishnamurti said, "Seeing something very clearly and acting instantly is intelligence. Can we have that intelligence among ourselves first, and then convey it to the student?" You can find this quote in the book A Flame of Learning, where you can read these dialogues in print. Visit to order it now. I hope you enjoy the episode.
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