The Immeasurable Podcast
The Immeasurable is dedicated to exploring the essential questions of our existence; who we are and where we are going. The intent is to inspire listeners to question assumptions of the mind, offering opportunities to ask deep questions into common life themes that are superficially accepted. We take no ideological positions except to encourage the spirit of inquiry. We aim to provide an in-depth look at dialogue and exploration around Krishnamurti’s teachings. There will be interviews of people who have spent time with Krishnamurti, as well as explorations around the content of his teachings, our programs, and our annual conference. The Immeasurable is a project of the Krishnamurti Center in Ojai, CA. The KFA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
The Immeasurable Podcast
TEACHINGS: Living With Sustained Seriousness | Part 1 of 8
Krishnamurti Center, Ojai, CA
Season 1
Episode 2
Welcome back to The Immeasurable Podcast.
J. Krishnamurti, Peter Fonda, Theo Lilliefelt, Alain Naudé, Tom Shea, Craig Walker, S. Lloyd Williams, and others participate in a small group discussion in Malibu, California, 1970.
This is the first discussion in an eight part series titled Can the Mind Observe Without Comparison?
Questions or comments? Contact podcast@kfa.org
For more content like this visit theimmeasurable.org
Special thanks to our participants and donors who have brought this vision to life.